1/23 – 4/26/2009: Tales from an Imaginary Menagerie

Palo Alto Art Center in Palo Alto, CA presents “Tales from an Imaginary Menagerie.” Artists include: Randy Bolton, Ria Brodell, John Casey, Adam Chapman, Timothy Cummings, Walton Ford, Justin Gibbens, Scott Greene, Julie Heffernan, Laurie Hogin, Anthony Diaz Hope and Laurel Roth, Misako Inaoka, Nina Katchadourian, Margot Quan Knight, Philip Knoll, Walter Robinson, John Slepian, Deth P. Sun, Kevin E. Taylor, Donald Roller Wilson, and Yuka Yamaguchi.

12/31/08 – 1/9/2009: Characters R Us

Pictoplasma presents at the Musée d’Art contemporain de Bordeaux, France "Characters R Us" In conjunction with Pictoplasma’s "Pen to Paper" book. Artists Include hand-drawn work by Thomas Bernard, John Casey, Mark DeLong, Fia, Frederic Fleury, Charles Glaubitz, Lane Hagood, Joey Haley, Mehdi Hercberg aka Shoboshobo, Andrew James Jones, Matt Lock, Arnaud Loumeau, Yu Matsuoka, Allyson Mellberg Taylor, Stephane Prigent aka Kerozen, Luke Ramsey, Seth Scriver, Eric Shaw, Ian Stevenson, Team Macho, Dennis Tyfus and Ola Vasiljeva.

11/6 -12/13/2008: Crossing the Line

Art Gallery, SRJC presents "Crossing the Line, New Perspectives in Drawing." Artists include Bryan Barasch, Todd Barricklow, John Casey, Wendy Crittenden, Jen Garrido, Jonn Herschend, Kurt Kemp, Kathryn Kenworth, Evri Kwong, Jean Robison, Frank Ryan, Lisa Soloman, and Jennifer Sturgill. Curated by William Smith. Pics here.

10/30/2008: Scarecrow; $20

Rowan Morrison Publishing presents "Scarecrow" by John Casey, the collectible new art book featuring over 60 unseen biomorphic drawings from the depths of the subconscious. Specs: 6" x 9", 2-color offset printing, limited 1st edition, signed and numbered by the artist, intro by James Kaufmann, $20.

10/15 -11/22/2008: Bay Area Currents

Oakland Art Gallery presents "Bay Area Currents," an annual juried exhibition showcasing the depth and variety of inspired artists currently working in the Bay Area art scene. Artists include Steve Allen, Alexis Babayan, John Casey, Bill Domonkos, Bradley Hyppa, Andrea Land, Jessica Pezalla, Robb Putnam, Alanna Risse, Michael Ryan, Noah Sakamoto, and Allison Watkins. Juried by Aimée Reed. Pics here.

9/27-10/18, 2008: No Brow

Black Maria Gallery in Los Angeles presents a group show called "No Brow." Artists: Aaron Kraten, Alex Wiesenfeld, Brooks Salzwedel, Jane Gotts, Jason Hernandez, Jeff McMillan, Jennybird Alcantara, John Casey, Junko Mizuno, Ken Garduno, Sam Saghatelian, Thomas Bakofsky and Tom Neely.

9/19-10/11, 2008: Diverse Chorus

Neurotitan Gallery in Berlin presents a group show called "Diverse Chorus" curated by Kevin Taylor. Artists include Kim Alsbrooks, Kelli Bratvold, Leslie Burns, John Casey, Lisa Chou, Jon Clary, Tim Cohen, Jason Filipow, Adam Flores, Kevin Scott Hailey, Michelle Mansour, Charlie Mcalister, Mulletpony, Olivia Park, Steve Pomberg, John Pundt, Patrick Segui, Stefan Strumbel, Miha, Kevin E. Taylor, Mr. Ben Venom, Justin Waugh, Derek Weisberg, Lauren Wong, Marc Bernstein, Philip White, and James Hunter.Pics here.

8/2-8/23, 2008: FasTraK – A Bridge and Tunnel Survey

Lobot Gallery presents a group show called "FasTrak – a Bridge and Tunnel Survey." Other featured artists include Alexis Amann, Nicholas Bohac, Colette Cambell-Jones, John Casey, Nancy Chan, Amanda Curreri, Michael Cutlip, Mark Edwards, Will Gurley, Martha Sue Harris, Darren Hawk, Raymie Iadevaia, Daniel Healey, Kara Joslyn, MaryAnne Kluth, Liz Maher, Leticia Ramirez, Bryan Von Reuter, Dickson Schneider, Shawn Sloan, Charlene Tan, Task 1, Karen Thomas, Ryan Verzaal, Raymond Wong, and John Writer. Pics here.

6/12-6/15, 2008: The Affordable Art Fair NYC

TAG Art Gallery with my work at the AAF 2008 in New York City. Other featured artists at the TAG booth will include: Chris Scarborough, Lori Field, Mary Addison Hackett, Vadis Turner and McKay Otto.

2/22/08, 6-11pm: SOEX Monster Drawing Rally

Southern Exposure announces the 8th Annual Monster Drawing Rally, a live drawing and fundraising event featuring over 130 artists. The event will be held at the Verdi Club, 2424 Mariposa (between Hampshire and Potrero streets) in San Francisco, CA. Pics here!

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