2/3/06 – 2/26/06: Along Came a Spider
I had a spider-ific show with Martha Sue Harris at the great venue 33 Grand for the month of February.
10/21/05: Art Business
Alan Bamberger gave me a nice mention for the Creature Double Feature show with pics. You can see the page on Artbusiness.com [scroll down].
10/21/05 – 12/3/05: “Creature Double Feature”
Had a fun show called “Creature Double Feature” with the very talented Martha Sue Harris at National Product in San Francisco, CA.
3/15/05: Various Press descriptions of the Unusual Suspects show…
SF Station: Art Scene, March 11th – 24th by Melissa Lane Oakland artist John Casey delves deep into the demon-ruled zones of his psyche and reports back to us in sculpture and pen-and-ink drawings. Unusual Suspects comprises a host of deformed, sad little creatures. Casey explains that, "They struggle with their ugliness and debilitation but are also somewhat at peace with it… The result may evoke a burst of laughter or yelp of fright."… ————————— East Bay Express: This Week’s Day-by-Day Picks by Stephanie Kalem Saturday, 3/19 – Today is your last chance to see John Casey’s first solo show of mixed-media sculptures and pen-and-ink drawings. For Unusual Suspects, Casey has loaned his demons to the Cricket Engine Studio and Gallery, and man, are they cute — in a grotesque kind of way. The Oakland-by-way-of-New England rez creates detailed drawings and glossy, small-scale sculptures of clownish monstrosities that somehow — despite their gimp masks, vestigial horns, feet for bodies, boxing gloves for legs, sphincter-lipped mouths, and incorrectly hairy parts — seem to beg for your love.
3/11/05: Art Business
Alan Bamberger gave me a nice little review accompanied by some pics. You can see the page on Artbusiness.com [scroll down].
3/10/05 – 3/19/05: “John Casey’s Unusual Suspects”
Solo show of sculpture and drawing.