1/11/14 – 2/2/14: Hands & Pants V
MOCO Gallery in Oakland, CA presents “Hands and Pants”, a broad collaborative venture, employing 80+ of my artist peers. I drew either hands or pants (blue-jean-clad waist-down shod figures) or both, in a simple pen-and-ink style on 8″x10″ Bristol paper. An invited artist was given the hands and/or pants and asked to complete the figure in any way the artist saw fit. My original intent was to create a collective storyboard using the “Hands and Pants” motif as a common recognizable character engaged in a variety of manifestations. However, the returned collaborations have gone far beyond my expectations in sheer artistic variety, producing an extended family of unique, individual beings. You can see all the latest H&P drawings here. Show pics here.
11/1 – 12/28/13: Silver Cord
Rock Paper Scissors Collective in Oakland, CA presents "Silver Cord" works by Jon Carling and John Casey. The show consists of an installation of large wood and ink cat head cutouts by me and small cutout cat character drawings by Jon Carling. Pics here.
10/5 – 11/30/13: Neu Folk Revival
Le Qui Vive in Oakland, CA presents “Neu Folk Revival” a group show curated by Max Kauffman. Featuring work by Ryan Bubnis, John Casey, Chip 7, Lisa Congdon, Uriel Correa, Cosmic Nuggets, Jennifer Davis, Cannon Dill, Doodles, Bill Dunlap, Mike Egan, Ghost Patrol, John Fellows, Christian Brock Forrer, Katy Horan, Anthony Hurd, Rich Jacobs, Yellena James, Max Kauffman, Austin Lane, Scot Lefavor, Matt Leines, Linsey Levendall, Justin Lovato, Troy Lovegates, Maseman, Erin McCarty, Mildred, Jaime Molina, Hari Panicker and Deepti Nair, Daryll Peirce, Faring Purth, Ryan Riss, Brian Robertson, Katherine Rutter, Lucien Shapiro, Chris Silva, Colin Van Der Sluijs, Zio Ziegler. Pics here.
10/4 – 11/30/13: Art Dorks: Rise
Space:Eight in St. Augustine, FL presents “Art Dorks: Rise” a group show featuring Art Dorks Collective artists. Artists include: John Casey, David Chung, Brendan Danielsson, Justin DeGarmo, Mark Elliott, Jad Fair, Joseph Daniel Fiedler, Robert Hardgrave, Gregory Hergert, Gergory Jacobsen, Colin Johnson, Jason Limon, Dan May, Christian Rex van Minnen, Chris Mostyn, Heiko Müller, Jason Murphy, Katie Ridley Murphy, Kristian Olson, Matthew Pasquarello, Anthony Pontius, Meagan Ridley, Kim Scott, and Scott Wilson.
10/3 – 11/2/13: Little Exorcisms
Breeze Block Gallery in Portland, OR presents “Little Exorcisms,” a solo show of my recent drawings and sculptures, curated by Arrested Motion‘s Sven Davis. In the spirit of the season, Pittsburgh artist Mike Egan is showing in Gallery One. Pics here.
9/16/13: Live Free or Die Podcast Interview
Mike Maxwell, creator of the "Live Free Podcast" interviewed me here. We chat about the Headlands, blue-collar America, Boston, criticism, longevity, The Karate Kid, Kurt Cobain, boredom, mediums, empathy, Tourettes Syndrome, karaoke, rods and cones, Breeze Block Gallery, and Portland, OR. Give a listen!
7/12 – 8/31/13: Head Case
Echo Gallery in Calistoga, CA presents "Head Case" featuring work by John Casey, Emma Higgins, Kim Ford Kitz, and Shawn Whisenant. Pics here.
7/12 – 9/10/13: John Doe Show
Double Punch in San Francisco, CA presents "John Doe Show" featuring work by Jon Boam, John Casey, John D. Deardourff, Jean de Wet, Jon Lau, Jon MacNair, John Malta, and Jonny Negron. Pics here.
7/6 – 7/30/13: Hands and Pants SF
63 Bluxome Street Gallery in San Francisco, CA presents "Hands and Pants," my ongoing project, a broad collaborative venture, employing 70+ of my artist pals. Pics here.
7/11/13 SoEx Monster Drawing Rally
Southern Exposure in San Francisco, CA presents "Southern Exposure’s 2013 Monster Drawing Rally," a live drawing event and fundraiser. Friday, June 16, 2013 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM, The New Black in SF. Pics here.
6/8 – 7/20/13: Désirance
Galerie Polaris in Paris, France presents "Désirance" a summer group show featuring Polaris gallery artists.
12/12/12 – 3/17/13: Dessin(s) – Cynorrhodon Collection – FALDA
Cynorrhodon Collection – FALDA, Carte blanche à Annick and Louis Doucet, at the Commanderie des Templiers de la Villedieu Hin Élancourt, France, presents "Dessin(s)", Cynorrhodon Collection – FALDA. 274 works of 91 artists of the Cynorrhodon Collection – FALDA. I have several works in this collection.
12/1 – 12/22/12: Don’t Wake Daddy VII – Apocolypse
Feinkunst Krüger in Hamburg, Germany presents "Don’t Wake Daddy VII – Apocolypse." I’m showing four colored pencil drawings. Show inventory pics here.
10/5 – 10/26/2012: A Show of Heads
Le Qui Vive Gallery in Oakland, CA, presents “A Show of Heads” featuring work by Lucien Shapiro, Brian Robertson, and John Casey. I will be showing framed pencil works on panel and a mural with inked plywood cutouts. Show pics here. Opening pics here.
A Show of Heads: John Casey from LeQuiVive Gallery on Vimeo.
A Show of Heads from LeQuiVive Gallery on Vimeo.
8/3 – 8/25/2012: Oakland Now
Spoke Art presents Oakland NOW. The show will feature some of the East Bay’s emerging and established artists. With mediums ranging from illustration to sculpture to painting, this show is intended to serve as a cross section of the diverse art community living and working in Oakland and beyond. Some of the prominent lineup of artists include: Aaron Nagel, Andy Witrak, Brendan Monroe, Brett Amory, Deth P. Sun, Eddie Colla, GATS, Gina Tuzzi, Isabel Samaras, Jason Munn, Jeremiah Jenkins, Jesse Hernandez, John Casey, Justin Lovato, Kelly Allen, Ken Davis, Lucien Shapiro, Marcos LaFarga, Monica Canilao, Nicomi Nix Turner, Rich Jacobs and Scott Hove. Show pics here.
8/3 – 8/24/2012: The World Saving Device
The Hive Gallery in Oakland, CA, curator Obi Kaufmann, and designer Jason Kulp are pleased to present “The World Saving Device: Oakland Art, 250 Years from Now.” Ten Oakland painters and illustrators come together in this wildly imaginative show to explore the metaphor of a world that needs saving. The gallery will be transformed to resemble a cave, a proto-cathedral, or some sort of intergalactic womb. Participating Artists: Jon Carling, John Casey, Ernest Doty, Thomas Christopher Haag, Obi Kaufmann, Lauren Napolitano, Nathaniel Parsons, David Polka, David Seiler, and Gina Tuzzi. Show pics here.
7/18/2012: East Bay Express Best of the Bay – Best Artist 2012
I have the great honor of being selected by the editors at the East Bay Express for their annual “Best of the Bay” issue for their 2012 “Best Artist” award. You can read about it here and here.
5/4 – 7/21/2012: FAX
San Francisco Arts Commission Gallery in San Francisco, CA presents “FAX.” Participating Artists: Kathy Aoki, Brandon Brown, John Casey, Julie Chang, Adriane Colburn, Binh Danh, Kota Ezawa, Pablo Guardiola, Taraneh Hemami, Dana Hemenway, Tony Labat, John Patrick McKenzie, Geri Montano, Kelly Ording, Joshua Singer, Casey Jex Smith, Sarah Smith, Someguy, Taravat Talepasand, Charlene Tan, Josephine Taylor, Jenifer Wofford. Show pics here.
2/11/12 – 3/10/12: Big Idea
Galerie Polaris in Paris, France presents "Big Idea," by John Casey in the main gallery along with a group exhibition of artists from Galerie Rejane Louin in the second gallery. Opening reception pics here.
10/1/11 – 11/6/11: Tall Tales: Collaborative Projects by John Casey and Friends
Swarm Gallery in Oakland, CA presents "Tall Tales: Collaborative Projects by John Casey and Friends". The exhibition will feature a collaborative project with Mary Kalin-Casey titled "Call and Response," which will feature a limited edition companion book for sale. I am also showing a project of collaborative works with 60+ artists titled "Hands and Pants." Hands and Pants artists include Gina Tuzzi, Deth P. Sun, Kara Joslyn, Obi Kaufmann, Kathy Aoki, Jason Byers, Gregory Jacobsen, Alex Rosmarin, Nathaniel Parsons, Kerri Lee Johnson, Derek Weisberg, Narangkar Glover, Dan Nelson, Alison Tharp, Jim Kaufmann, Ronny Jones, Micke Tong, Bill Dunlap, Mia Chistopher, Marcos Lafarga, Erik Otto, Jake Watling, Amy Casey, Ryan De La Hoz, Adam 5100, Sacha Eckes, Martha Sue Harris, Teppei Ando, Tina Dillman, Pete Glover, Michele Theberge, Scott Wilson, Robert Hardgrave, Matt Decker, Dave Higgins, Morten Hemmingsen Sørup, Maya Kabat, Henry Boyle, Brett Amory, Althea James, Tara Foley, Hunter Mack, Justin Lovato, Jon Carling, Michael McConnell, Justin Angelos, Michael Mellon, Brian Caraway, Erik Friedman, Alison OK Frost, Andrew James Jones, Erik Parra, Steven Barich, Crystal Morey, Billy Sprague, Rick Beaupre, Patricia Gillespie, Faring Purth, Scott Greenwalt, Mary Mortimer, and Mary Kalin-Casey. Show pics here | Hands and Pants collaboration pics here | Opening reception pics here | Ransom Notes Feature here