c2c project space is pleased to announce the upcoming c2c/wc annex exhibition, “me/you”. This show will feature figurative work and portraiture by artists who subvert these traditional approaches through a redirection of focus that uses their depictions of the “other” to provide glimpses of whom they, the artists, are themselves. This is achieved be a variety of means. Style, perspective, the color or tone of the work, and the choice of a subject are all employed as devices to create subtle, self-referential elements within the group of work that function to expose self-revelations, which grow in clarity as viewers discover them.

As this show will run concurrently with project 12 in the main gallery, a unique three-person installation that will challenge notions and perceptions of the space, we thought it also appropriate to push the spatial parameters of the c2c/wc exhibition space by welcoming a whopping 13 artists into this show. The techniques presented will range from realistic rendering to abstraction and the collection of work is displayed in a way that is intended to transcend the presence of the individual and exude a crowd-like energy. The 13 featured artists are, in no specific order, Aaron Poser, Elise Siegel, Adam Novak, Sarah Thibault, Jenny Ottinger, Grace Rosario Perkins, Amanda Church, Tebby George, David Lasley, Bill Samios, Yuki Maruyama, Matt Smith Chavez-Delgado, and John Casey.

The show opens Saturday, January 7, 2017 with a reception from 6-9pm and continues through February 5 with gallery hours on Sundays, Noon-5pm.

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