Interview with Not Real Art

Morgan Laurens interviewed me for the website Not Real Art. Lots of good questions! Oakland-based artist John Casey began life on the unluckiest day of the year, in an unlucky place. Born on Friday 13 in Salem, Massachusetts, the multidisciplinary artist now gleefully channels his unusual origins into awkward portraits of peculiar creatures.⁠⁠Growing up, Casey […]

Hi-Fructose Article PDF

I have scanned and uploaded a PDF of the Hi-Fructose #41 article that features me and my work. Enjoy!

Interview: Beautiful.Bizarre

Allie Schaitel has interviewed me about my art and being an artist living and working in Oakland. Check it out here!!

1/31/15 – 3/8/15: Happy Accidents

The Compound Gallery, in Oakland, CA presents "Happy Accidents," a solo show featuring my recent foray into color. For years I have worked mostly with black, white, and grey (and occasionally reddish-orange-brown) in ink or pencil. Recently I’ve experienced a color epiphany, with a new cast of characters in the form of paintings, drawings, and […]

9/16/13: Live Free or Die Podcast Interview

Mike Maxwell, creator of the "Live Free Podcast" interviewed me here. We chat about the Headlands, blue-collar America, Boston, criticism, longevity, The Karate Kid, Kurt Cobain, boredom, mediums, empathy, Tourettes Syndrome, karaoke, rods and cones, Breeze Block Gallery, and Portland, OR. Give a listen!

Interview: ILOVEFAKE Magazine

Jolijn Snijders of ILOVEFAKE Magazine has published an interview with me in their latest "Nior Issue". It’s a PDF magazine so it requires a quick download.

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